Passing It On

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By Howard Snyder

40 years ago I heard a minister say these words: “You can pamper yourself into mediocrity OR you can forget yourself into immortality.”

That moment was a wake-up call for me. I was in my mid-30’s, focused on my career & family and not searching for any relationship with my God…not even realizing I could do such a thing.

I thought I knew something about who I was but I certainly didn’t know why I was on this earth. So, this statement made me begin to think more about others and their needs.  I started to hear questions about what I could do for others…in my neighborhood and places farther away. It was the beginning of feeling grace, being grateful for all I had and being more vigilant about giving to others with the gifts and talents I’d been given. A sense of passing it on was coming together for me.

Today, I am a spiritual companion for those on spiritual journeys and believe this is the culmination of listening to that minister’s voice all these many years ago.  I believe I have been training for this work for 40 years. I listen each day for God’s plan for me and try to answer the question: What would love have me do this day?



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