Give yourself this special time to refresh your spirit and rest in the company of other women. We’ll sink into this restorative day as a celebration of Celtic Women’s Christmas, a tradition shared on January 6 at the Feast of Epiphany. Grounded by the work of poet and pastor Jan Richardson, it is the tradition of honoring the often difficult and tiring work of women to maintain the hearth and home, especially during the extended holiday season. The women gather to reimagine their lives and, as friends, discern emerging patterns and support, as sisters, the art of navigating and developing new paths for the new year. The interactive day will be filled with activity, prayerful silence, and creativity, including creating a soul collage. Come enjoy a continental breakfast and a simple, warm, and seasonal lunch, perhaps eaten around a blazing fire and catching a glimpse of an eagle flying.
Meg Gallagher and Suzi Foehl have led this retreat since 2020. They joyfully welcome anyone with curiosity, intention, and an open heart. The price for the day-long retreat, including a simple breakfast and lunch is $55 per person. The 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. retreat will be held at the Foehliage in Galena, MD.
An overnight option is available at a reduced cost of an additional $50. A simple supper is included. The overnight option is $105. Please register here:
“I do not know
How to keep it all together
Or by what patterns this world might
Finally, hold.
…And what shines
Through all this darkness
Shines through us,
Setting every shattered thing
Into a new constellation
And we can turn
Our faces
To that light,
To the grace of
Those stars
That turn in us.”
Jan Richardson. From “Those Stars That Turn in Us, A Blessing for Women’s Christmas”.
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