October 24, 2023
3:00 pm
4:30 pm
Spirituality and Aging
Tuesday Afternoon
October 24th
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
St. Anne’s Parish House
Annapolis, Maryland
in person and online
Please join us and explore spirituality and aging with Dorothy Linthicum. All are welcome, whether you are journeying with a loved one or are an older adult yourself. We will explore what spirituality might be like for older adults and how spiritual practice in everyday life can enrich and deepen the aging process, including the process of death and dying. How can spiritual practices guide us and our loved ones to tap into the ultimate meaning in our lives? Additionally, the speaker will share with us questions to ponder and spiritual practices for use after the presentation, both individually and/or in community.
Registration fee/suggested donation: $25. Please don’t let finances keep you from attending. For more information, please email heather@retreathousehillsboro.org
In-person attendance: We are grateful for advanced registration for attending in person, so that we can prepare. All in-person registrants will also receive an online link should your situation change, or for viewing the presentation again.
Online viewing: Register for online viewing if you know you cannot attend in person. You will be able to watch the event when it is convenient for you, or stream it on October 24th at 3pm. See our website for information on other event locations and dates.
REGISTER HERE to attend IN PERSON: https://tinyurl.com/SpiritualityAgingANNAPOLIS
REGISTER HERE to attend ONLINE: https://tinyurl.com/SpiritualityAgingONLINE
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Dorothy is a retired instructor from Virginia Theological Seminary. As part of her work, she served as a catechist for the Virginia Theological Seminary Baptized for Life initiative. She has studied and taught courses and workshops about older adult spirituality and ministry throughout the country. Dorothy is a passionate and well-practiced formation guide, speaker, and co-author of Redeeming Dementia: Spirituality, Theology, and Science, with Janice Hicks, for caregivers and people facing dementia.
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