We navigate our external lives around multiple opposites; for example, early/late, inside/outside, fast/slow. In our inner life we tend to hold opposites within a space that considers their significance or impact on our lives; for example, freedom/constraint, silence/sound, enigma/answer.
The tension inherent in opposites can be creative or destructive. Hence, inside tension there is innate power. Only a non-dual mind can reconcile the tension creatively. Race, politics, culture and religion are breeding grounds for opposition to become explosive.Therefore, within the context of our polarized country, we will ponder these questions:
How are we to hold the innate power of tension?
What are the consequences if we choose to hold the tension in love?
How might we be agents for transforming polarization into reconciliation?
Join us as we rest and wonder in the presence of Spirit and spiritual guide Phil Cover. This 2-hour retreat will offer time to listen to Phil’ wisdom, be lead by his questions and share in silence and conversation with others.
A Zoom link will be sent to all registrants before the start of the retreat.
This event has been funded by a generous donor. Registration is required for planning purposes. Register HERE.
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